London Rock Phenomenon The Kut Spares A Thought For Gloria While We’re Waiting For Christmas24/12/2024
The Kut
Waiting For Christmas Criminal Records The Kut is back to welcome in the festive cheer and bring home a message of care for everyone at this open-hearted time. Waiting For Christmas is the charity single that raises funds every year and has now entered its fifth annual release. A fantastic ballad sung by The Kut and set to a moving music video; the grunge rockers tone down their cacophony to show us their more tender side. We still get a great rock song and the Christmas spirit is entangled like last-year's fairy-lights well within the music. This year’s charity, chosen by The Kut, is White Ribbon Charity and for every sale of the record, £1 will go to them. What do they do? White Ribbon feels that men and boys need to be educated on how to treat women and make a genuine effort to end violence against women. No one’s saying that all men and boys are going to hurt women unless they’re taught. Like Santa knows, some of us are naughty and the rest of us are nice. Most people of all genders are perfectly safe to be around. Men and boys are statistically more likely to be involved in violent crime against their partners and their friends so a gender-specific approach is needed to address this. It may feel discriminatory for a lot of men and boys, we just have to take one for the country on this. Women and girls need us. Mutual respect across genders is of course essential for healthy relationships and for staying out of trouble, and for some, knowing how to manage emotions is a real problem. Whether you’re upset, angry, or attracted, you can’t let your emotions break the rules with anybody. There are plenty of legal and safe ways to express yourself. So that being said, the charity message loud and clear, let’s give the song another listen and I’ll describe it with today’s ears ready. The Kut enters with her synonymous voice, the punk twinge layers like icing on the lush flow of bluesy sombre musicianship. Guitars and bass play a slow melody of picked chords, roots, and fifths on a scale of minor introspection. As the chorus hits, the band revs up a gear and pushes the energy into an orbital destination. Once the rockets are fired, and the celebration fulfils, a new verse brings us back down to Earth, where trouble and worries still mingle with the tinsel and baubles. We can lend them our peace in these caring days, free from judgement, making peace with the moment to welcome in an empowered new year. One step at a time will be enough for anybody. You can get the record from The Kut website Follow The Kut on Facebook and Instagram Listen to The Kut on Spotify Join Razors The Kut group on Facebook
The Kut
Runaways Criminal Records The Kut is never far away and this time she’s swinging the sixth single from the number one rock chart album Grit. Runaways has a groovy video and in the usual style of the band, it portrays a sense of energy and charisma that Princess Maha could probably patent. She’s got a lot of talent and a great band of powerful women behind her; the rock n roll and grunge no-nonsense swagger just makes people pay attention. Having recently toured with Electric Six and Shonen Knife, The Kut is as unstoppable as ever. An icon for today’s individualist generation and an example to the industrious artist of any age, The Kut makes sense with her paradoxes of good looks, don’t touch attitude, and ability to control a room. Punchy bass reverberates along the kick drum as punk infused guitars reach upward with energy rich chords. Funky distortion fizzes in the mix as the band launch into the song. The Kut brings her trademark voice into gear as the melodic and upbeat music surges with good time feels. A yearning for getting away, summertime adventures are on the cards. Travel, change, something new is always welcome when the sun is shining. A good attitude and a willingness to party is wrapped up in groovy Green Day like happy but hard mentality. You can visit The Kut on their website Follow The Kut on Facebook and Instagram Listen to The Kut on Spotify Join Razors The Kut group on Facebook In Tribute To The Finalists Of The Qatar World Cup The Kut Makes It Fun When You’re Winning8/12/2022 The Kut Fun When You’re Winning Criminal Records It is definitely fun when you’re winning, and for most of us that’s computer games. For The Kut and her brilliant band of all-female class, it’s all about the music. They’ve had a run of highly successful singles and an album at the rock chart number one slot. Never before in the history of the UK rock album chart has an all-female cast of musicians made it to the top. That’s a win for womanhood. The fanbase for this fantastic group has been growing in bounds over the years, with an army of Razors now providing their backing for this grunge-rock outfit. Currently on tour, supporting Electric Six from the USA, London’s The Kut are doing what they do best and making music that matters. Released to celebrate the World Cup in Qatar, Fun When You’re Winning is a tribute to all the teams who made it into the last group stage and beyond. Already featured on TV and radio for the element of sporting excitement, it’s time to give it a spin. A punchy and head-banging beat begins with guitar chords and bass-driven drums. The chords continue to push on as The Kut begins the song. A melodic section ensues, the chorus gives us the hook within seconds. A verse starts, the pulse doesn’t hold back and the music just keeps marching forward. Catchy lines and smashing cymbals combine to release a steady surge of rock n roll electricity. As we go back to the memorable chorus, we just hurtle onward with the persistent and poignant beats and power-chords. You can discover The Kut on their website Follow The Kut on Facebook and Instagram Listen to The Kut on Spotify Join Razors The Kut group on Facebook The Kut And 1 More.... From Grit London The balance of power is tipping towards the feminine as The Kut dominates the UK rock scene with their new album. Taken from the record, And One More provides yet another classic video track to elevate the band beyond their horizons. Fronted by the super-talented Princess Maha and driven onward by her clear vision of stardom, the musical ability of the band match the quality that clothes her like the exquisitry her name demands. Many live shows over the past decade at plenty of quality venues and festivals have propelled the hard working group into ever more climbs of rock n roll. The second studio album makes full use of their home-grown label, Criminal Records. It's the matching of talent, energy, and style that gives The Kut their edge and we can look to the future with wide-eyed expectation as they always manage to exceed themselves with each new venture. Chunky guitar brings a groovy riff that climbs the energy like a parkour expert. Bass, drums and vocal crash together in a focused pinpoint towards good feelings. Maha has a uniquely identifiable voice that we recognise immediately. The power-chords rage into blues and punk-rock fusion as palm-muted sections roar into fret-board acrobatics that ring like early Nirvana does with meaningful noises. The rock energy is top-notch as the layering and progression keeps moving onward until the end, it just makes us want to press repeat. Topped off with a very sexy video that highlights the social capital being in Team Razors brings, a fan favourite and a memorable punch unify the spirit of the band. You can find The Kut online Follow The Kut on Facebook and Twitter The Kut Burn Your Bridges From Grit London The Sound Read journal has been following Princess Maha and her band The Kut for quite some time. First coming to our attention with Hollywood Rock n Roll way back in 2018, we've seen a massive lift-off to the stars with a continual run of progressively successful singles and a bunch of amazing tour dates in between. Culminating their live adventure with a recent run of support slots with Electric Six, the sought-after and supremely talented group have just released their next album. Following on from Valley Of Thorns, this latest record features the two recent singles ANIMO and Satellite. Let's listen to track two, Burn Your Bridges. A chunky riff and a groovy rhythm layered with sloshy drums bursts through the stillness. Princess Maha begins, her punky grunge delivery resonates with femininity and soul as the band lay down tight and kinetic set pieces. The riffs add up and as the chorus emerges, Maha's vocal rips the clean paper and tears into the realms of metal. The powerful music behind her bashes the chords and melodic chuggery through dynamic and progressive patterns. Plenty of feedback and distortion hangs in the background as The Kut deliver another slicing and forthcoming memory maker. You can find The Kut online Follow The Kut on Facebook and Twitter The Kut Satellite Konkrete Mix London Already charting at number 22 in the UK singles charts, Satellite is here. Princess Maha's alter-ego The Kut is reinventing the rock n roll female icon for modern day music. With a heavy dose of grunge and a twist of anarchy-punk, The Kut as a live band has been touring the UK and entertaining the hell out of people in a nationwide live music revival funded by The National Lottery. Already veterans of Download and Camden Rocks, The Kut are regular features in radio and print media. Satellite is the latest number, with this counter-point remix thrusting the artist directly into the path of brand new fans. This track begins with a selection of beats that rumble in bass-driven patterns. The Kut adds melodic vocal. Princess Maha's synonymous voice delivers a haunting tone over the rising pulse of music. Lyrics describe an awareness of a journey, a process in growing of age, reaching for our best version. Unlike Adam in the famous fresco painted by Michael-Angelo, this individual makes more than enough effort to reach infinite progress. Vocal led house feels expand through synths and added cymbals. A fusing of a rock vocal delivery and a stripped-back electronica backdrop absolutely frames her voice and gives us an opportunity to hear what she has to say. Find out more by visiting The Kut on their website Follow The Kut on Facebook and Twitter |
Sound Read Six
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